Guainia Weather


Our fish selection comes from one of the freshwater fish megadiversity hotspots of the planet: the overlap of the Orinoco and Amazon basins in southeastern Colombia. Between described and undescribed species, Colombia´s freshwater fish number nearly 2,000. More than half of them occur this area.

In addition to an illustration and the name of each species, we have included a climate graph of the area the fish comes from, that shows the rainy and the dry season. This cycle modifies temperature, water hardness and pH. For those species where we have information on their breeding cycles, we have included it in the graph. Hopefully this information will get you a step closer to breeding these beautifull animals in your aquaria. It is meant as a guideline of physical ambient parameters that induce reproductive behaviour.

In order for your fish to arrive in their best possible shape, we accompany the process from collector until export. We educate and raise awareness among our collectors, and support them with materials and training in the management of this resource. Our goal is to fulfill all necessary requirements to apply for a sustainable industry certification, to make sure that several generations down the road, there will still be as many or more aquarium enthusiasts, enjoying this fantastic hobby.

As you can see in the example in this chart, april marks the beginning of the rainy season. The amount of water carried by the april rains in the highlands, depending on the river, can carry a lot of dissolved salts. When these waters reach the Amazon lowlands, the water temperature drops and pH values start rising. By the end of the rainy season (october), the water levels drop again, and temperatures rise, reaching the highest levels in february and march, and the lowest pH of the year.   

During the dry months, the rivers carry very little water and all fallen foliage from surrounding trees forms a thick layer on the bottom of the streams, releasing lots of organic acids. As the rains return, the chemical and physical landscape returns gradually to its initial conditions.

We will gradually include information on the fishes´ breeding cycles in this graph. We hope that that way you´ll be able to see which water conditions favour the reproduction of the species in your tank.


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